Baby Jesus Statue: Nino Dios


My object is a statue of Jesus, also known as, Nino Dios. It was made in Mexico and it important to the Mexican culture. My mother and her family come from Mexico. It’s made out of ceramic. Ceramic is made out of clay then hardened by heat. This process is very common in Mexico. It is an inexpensive way to make objects, figures and souvenirs. It’s very important to my culture that we go to church every Sunday and pray to Jesus, to be thankful for all the food we eat and things we have. When we go somewhere special we put clothes on the figure and take it with us to church. 

The statue was brought from Mexico by my mom during her last visit to Mexico. It’s in a pose of a baby because it shows how Jesus was born. It reminds our family about what we been through and he would be always by our side. I am very thankful for my statue and beliefs. 

Place(s): Mexico
Year: 2000

– Chelsea Ruiz

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child