.... and more books

This picture represents the days and nights I spent learning English to better myself and build a professional career. I came from Peru and migrated to the United States (US) in 2001. Shortly after, I realized how difficult it is not being able to communicate with others due to the language barrier. My story in the US has had challenging circumstances, however, I am very grateful for the opportunities I had in the US and the great people I have met so far. Likewise, I was raised with great values and principles that have helped me to understand and respect the cultures and beliefs of others. The adaptation of a new way of life in a new place could be challenging at times, but, necessary to understand, learn and be able to integrate in a society as a way of respecting its culture and values. The approach I took to build a professional career was answering the following questions: where do I want to be? What do I see myself doing? And how do I get there? Looking back the key factors for meeting my goals were: commitment, positive attitude, excellent work habit and self-discipline. It took me about ten years to reach a master level education, I started at an Adult Learning Center taking English class for beginners, and continued on. This journey was not easy, being a young man I had to sacrifice things; I commuted to the schools, and always kept a full time job while in school. However, the result has been tremendously gratifying and rewarding in many different ways.Nestor

Year: 2001

– Nestor

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child