Amber Cross

My Grandma, Irena got an Amber Cross necklace from her mother. My Grandma got this cross on her wedding day from her mother, my Great Grandmother. Since she received this cross, my Grandma used to hold on to the pendant. My Grandma noticed how safe she felt whenever she had the pendant with her. The Amber Cross is made with real silver. It has a blend of glass and some other metal. The Amber has a tinge of orange in it. My Grandma used the cross all the time. She carried it everywhere and wore it all the time. But then the chain that held the cross broke. My Grandma tried to fix it and eventually she stopped fixing the chain because each time she tried to mend it she was couldn’t. She just didn’t feel like getting another chain. She felt that putting the pendant on a new chain will take away the importance of the object. So now she has the pendant with her without the chain. This object is precious to her even now. It reminds her of her country, Poland. For example, it reminds her of the good times that she keeps safely in her mind as loving memories and experiences. Reasons for picking this object:My mom feels safeMy mom remembers the fun timeShe prays with it

Year: 1970

– Angelica Martinez

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant