
In Fun

My object is called Aggravation. Trust me, this game is not aggravating, it’s a really fun board game. My first time I played Aggravation I was at my grandma’s house, so I think she has something to do with the creation of the board game. I do know that my Uncle J and my Uncle Court made it. It has a lot of holes in the board and it’s something similar to Trouble but we use marbles instead and we have different rules. There are 4 teams. A white, blue, green, and red team. You have to roll a dice and try to make it all the way back to your base. And you can die. 

This board game is so important to me because every time I play it, it reminds me of my grandma that passed away because of cancer when I was nine years old. We play it on Christmas Eve every year or we do it just for fun. Every time my family and play this game we have a really good time. This is why I love to play this game and it’s so important to me.

– Tatum

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant