
My object is a stuffed animal dog named Abby. Abby is made from stuffing and furry, black cloth. Abby is for my mom’s side of the family and me to remember my dead cousin Yazmine everyday. Abby came from my cousin Yazy (Yazmine). She had Abby since she was little.   After Yazy died, when I was 4 or 5, my uncle Ricky gave me Abby, I was standing on the stair at my great grandparents’ house Then he came out and handed me Abby and said, “This is Abby.” He gave her to me because he knew I was going to take good care of her, and ever since then I’ve always had Abby.  Abby is important to me because I only met Yazy when I was very little and so every time I look at Abby I always think about Yazy. So, when Yazy’s birthday comes around, I’ll take her out. I’m taking care of Abby for my cousin Yazy. 
Mrs. Miller have a connection because she also has a stuffed animals.

– Kailyn

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more